Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Alli Experience

So, I started taking Alli diet pills. I'm not going to lie, I was very skeptical. I had done a great deal of research and read and listened to the horror stories associated with Alli. It took me a good week before I was brave enough to try it. I was terrified of the side effects. About a week ago I buckled down and started taking the pills. Let me tell you how it went.
First, Alli recommends that you start a low fat diet a few days prior to taking the pills. I was already on a "low-fat diet", having switched to skim milk about a year ago. I try to avoid fatty foods, but by no means do I dedicate a substantial amount of time to it. When I started taking the pills there was really no reaction on day 1.
Day 2 was pretty much the same. There was really no noticeable side effects from taking it. I have to say that for the first week the only thing that I noticed was weight loss. Now, I have to tell you that on day 1 I was motivated and walked four miles. After that, I didn't exercise at all. I lost three pounds last week without working really hard for it. So the bottom line is I went from 252 pounds to 249 pounds in one week, didn't really exercise, and didn't really change my diet. I felt better than I have in a long time. Fat can really bring you down.
Now what I have to say is that after such progress it's easy to start taking things for granted. Saturday we had pizza night. Pizza has a very high fat content. After taking Alli for one week my body wasn't absorbing as much fat as it used to, so needless to say, there was a reaction. Pizza is my weakness, and I ate more than I should have. I will say that it's important to watch what you eat and stay away from fatty foods. Moderation is the key. I walked around and felt bloated for most of Saturday evening and part of Sunday, but now I'm back on track. We'll see what happens this week.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Buying Alli

As of my last post I had started a low-fat, low calorie diet and was going out to buy Alli. Today I made the purchase. I bought the Alli Starter Set for $42.00. The general price that was quoted in most of the articles that I've read was between $50.00 and $70.00. For the most part I find that this is true on the store shelves, but shopping around online you can get a better deal and never leave the comfort of your own home. If your interested in trying this product you can purchase it by checking out low-impact-fitness.com. I found it here for as low as $31.00. This came in handy as I had to start dieting prior to Alli anyway. You can also find a variety of low impact home gyms and elliptical machines at Low Impact Fitness.

I've just opened the Alli Starter Set box and this is what was inside:
1. A package of pamphlets and booklets
a. Read Me First (an instructional guide for the use of Alli)
b. Hi (welcome to the Alli Weight Loss Program)
c. Quick Facts Cards (A small key chain card set with suggestions on the following topics:
i. Avoid
ii. Best Choices
iii. Limit Fats
iv. Alli Dosage
v. Portions
vi. Snacks
viii. Cooking

d. Companion Guide (suggestions on how to integrate Alli and your daily lifestyle changes in order to boost weightloss.
e. Healthy Eating Guide ( includes daily menu variations)
f. Calorie and Fat Counter (Lists common foods' calories and fat content)
g. A daily journal for recording your meals.

2. A 90 count bottle of Alli Diet Pills
3. A carrying case for your daily dosage of Alli.

The overall message in the content of this product is that you have to use Alli as directed, and that it is a product meant to enhance your weight loss, not to be the sole cause of it. With this in mind, I'll start taking the pills on Saturday. Between now and then I'll read the enclosed literature and get to know a little more about the Alli Weight Loss Program.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Taking the Alli Challenge

Well, this is it! I'm taking the Alli challenge. I've finally made up my mind to take the Alli Diet Pill in order to assist in losing weight. Of course, the key to my endeavor is diet and exercise. I've read allot of research on Alli and listened to many satisfied and dissatisfied users. A friend of mine had been on the Alli diet for about a month before he left for Australia on an exchange program. He was very satisfied with the diet He was looking to lose some weight without exercising a great deal. So this is what he did. He stopped exercising all together. He followed the directions for recommended use as indicated by the Alli Weight Loss Plan. This is to say that three days before he started taking his Alli diet pills he started a low-fat diet. He told me that according to the Alli Weight Loss Plan you can't have any more than 19 grams of fat at any one meal. This is because the Alli Diet Pill is a fat blocker. It prevents a percentage of fat from being absorbed by your intestines. Given that the fat is not absorbed it must be excreted and that's why you must be careful about your fat consumption. In his experience 19 grams of fat or less per meal didn't produce any notable change in bodily functions. The directions are very specific and he made sure to ensure that I knew this. By going on a low fat diet three days before taking Alli you ensure that all of the excess fat is out of your system. He said that if you were to go eat a Fast Food meal and take Alli the following day you would certainly be unpleasantly surprised.
The dissatisfied users, for the most part, all complain about exactly that; the diarrhea associated with taking Alli. In one instance the weight loss candidate was very happy taking the pill for three days until he had eaten at McDonalds. He was then disappointed with the results and advised others not to take the pills. I think that the bottom line is that Alli, as with all medications, needs to be taken according to its directions. If not, the side effects will follow.
So, given all of this information and research that I put into this thing I have come to this conclusion. First, I need to lose weight. I'm 36 years old, 250 pounds, and suffer with degenerative disk disease. My lower back pain prevents me from doing a great deal of exercise, although I can participate in some low impact upper body and cardio vascular training.
Second, today I start my low fat diet in preparation to start the Alli Weight Loss Diet. I have to recognize that Alli Diet Pills are a dietary supplement, not a diet in itself. The low fat diet and regular exercise program are going to provide the weight loss. The Alli is going to help to speed the weight loss along. I have great hope that this is going to work, and I'm finally going to start losing weight in a manner that I can keep it off. Third, I will purchase the Alli Starter Pack tomorrow so that I can read the instructions for myself.
In a final note; my friend reported 3-6 pound of weight loss per week without doing any exercise. I am sure that this will work. I'll keep posting my progress. Maybe it could work for you as well.