Tuesday, July 22, 2008

5 tips on staying fit

1. Vary your exercise routine - Keep things interesting by doing different types of exercises. Strength train with free weights, smith machines, body weight, isometrics. This is made easy by usinhg the convenient home gyms offered by total gym. Wear weighted vests. Vary cardio by running outside in the park, beach, mountains, use the elliptical, treadmill, recumbent bike, jump rope. I think strength/weight training is the most important part of any exercise routine and should be done at a minimum of 3 days per week. More is better, but at least 3 days.

2. Cultivate the internal with mind/body exercise - Do yoga (I prefer vinyasa) and/or tai chi along with chi gung. This not only stretches your muscles and strengthens your bones, joints and sinews, it also allows you to mentally just relax and let go. This is the "Yang" to weight trainings "Yin".

3. Eat well - Never ever "diet". I rather use the term "nutrition plan" than "diet plan". Eat good foods and stay away from the processed junk (white rice, white noodles, sugar, fast food, fried food). Eat plenty of green veggies (broccoli, spinich) and whole grain breads. Have an occasional glass of really good cabernet wine. Drink plenty of water.

4. Have at least one hobby - Find something that you just flat out enjoy and could do for hours and hours. Something that you can spend hours in a bookstore reading about. I have two hobbies: Martial Arts and Macro Photography. Teaching and practicing martial arts is my greatest joy. Trying to take that "perfect" macro photo (the hunt) is a great joy as well.

5. Love - Have someone/something in your life that you love (and loves you back). A wife, husband, kids, dog. Anyone/anything that brings you love. Everyone needs this.

via City-Data

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the last one - love!

Can I also suggest 5 quick ways to improve your health??

